
A loss or opportunity?

Marge Simpson is talking through me and I feel hooot. I'm sick again. It is my own fault, started doing sports (=indoor climbing) too early after my first flu, and went outdoors with too little clothes on. So classic mistakes it almost makes me puke. I also managed to hurt my index fingers pulley at work, so no crimping or project ass kicking for a little while.

What else is there?

TV...telefuckingvision.. Thank you for it! When I'm sick I just cannot read or play Tetris the whole time. TV is perfect. I receive my tv tips from my trusted TV bunny, and now I will share some of those here. 

Modern Family: I cry laughed two times during the first episode. So good!!

True blood: season 3 was actually better than second. OK entertaining. 

Eastbound & Down: haven't seen it myself, but will soon.

Green wing: older one, British and hilarious. I might actually watch it again.

Then of course there is South Park that had very funny couple of first episodes in the latest season. And movies. So many movies that I want to see. Maybe it isn't that bad to be sick anyways. I just simply must lay on the soffa and watch tv.

Banksy's intro for Spimpsons.

1 comment:

bunny said...

happy to be of service :DDD