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As you might have seen my climbing has been pretty boring for the past weeks. Though, last week I started climbing again - jug fests at the gym. My finger feels pretty good, just need to have a long warm up and skip the tiny holds. I do not use tape, because I think you loose the sense and when you are climbing in controlled conditions indoors you can avoid the pain and not force the finger to painfull positions that you might do when having taped the finger. Preventing taping is of course good and I should've used it too before the injury to actually avoid it.
Climbing gyms aren’t really top class in Uppsala, not even middle class to be honest. But, you just have to be creative and find other ways to use them and benefit from them and the most important thing is we have blocks in the forrest. Anyways, one of my favorite forms of training indoors is doing the long traverse set. I usually do it during the lunch time, so I know the gym is empty. I listen to music and then I traverse for 45 minutes without rests including vertical, overhang and roof climbing, just my mula bandha with me. Sounds boring, I know. I don’t know if it improves my climbing either, but it does feel good. Just the movement, nothing else, simple and boring, but also one of the reasons why I got hooked in climbing in the first place.
Here is one of the playlists that I listen to while traversing, it is soft, melodic and pretty lovely :)   


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