
Tropical Sweden

Bouldering with mosquitoes and horse-flies is so much fun, but rather them than anything poisonous, there is supposed to be one viper species like in Finland, but I haven't seen any in Sweden. Swedish summer offers wild raspberries and blueberries beside the boulders and there is still light until ten in the evening. Usually there is a lake in the hood so you can have a nice after climb swim. Sounds good on paper, however I still prefer couple of minus degrees instead of plus 25 and snow instead of horse-flies, good thing is that autumn will be here before we even realize it - happyhappyjoyjoy!  

 Purple stains

 After climb swim

A short clip of Elli climbing some version of General in Högbo. We did not have all the info with us so we just climbed this version, super nice line anyway on excellent rock.

Summer evening bouldering in tropical conditions from Pad Lady on Vimeo.

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