
Well well well

Don't have that much to report from the Västervik bouldering meeting, because we ended up rope climbing in a beautiful place called Sjöända that is supposed to be one of Sweden's best sport climbing crags. The rope premier made me realize that I need to do it more... I totally suck at it. The crayfish party was a huge success involving summers maybe last BBQ and night swimming, also cirque du soleil had a performance there that lasted several hours.

The next day we were all feeling pretty used and were planning of heading straight back to the capital city without any climbing, but then something happened. Vibes turned and the stars changed position and we ended up to this boulder wall called Röda väggen. My friend was on fire and did her first 7a The Way and thought why stop there and continued to Full Contact (7b+) and doing it only in few tries. There was so many sends from everybody that we started to wonder if the grades were a bit overrated considering that we all were pretty tired from the evening activities. Most importantly all very nice lines and a perfect place with flat landings, fantastic rock quality and no mosquitoes, it definetely got us from feeling used to feeling galaxic, at least for a while, a good ending to a superb weekend.

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